Wednesday 3 January 2018

Write It And Ship It

I was talking to someone a few weeks ago and she was showing me some of her work.

She's really good at writing and drawing and I told her that she should publish graphic novels because her drawings were really good and her stories were incredibly creative and intriguing.

I loved her work.

But she told me that she's too much of a perfectionist to publish any of her work yet, but once she gets it perfect, she'll publish it.

I suggested that she start a free blog and upload some of her artwork to it so that people can see her stuff and she can start a following so that by the time she publishes her first novel, she'll have readers waiting to buy it.

But she told me again that her work isn't yet perfect enough so not ready for the public to see it.

It made me almost sad to see her throwing away such a great opportunity while she waits for something that doesn't exist (perfection) to arrive.

There is a saying in the writing world that, I think, was started by Steve Jobs who said "Real Artists Ship." In this case, shipping means publishing. Putting it out in public where people can see it and criticise it (and they usually do).

It seems that many a creative type of person has a fear of shipping. A fear of someone looking at their work and saying they don't like it.

Well, our work isn't for everyone. Only for those who do like it or who find it useful.

So ignore the rest and when you're writing is good enough, ship it.

The 10 Day Ebook.
Write your ebook in just 10 days and earn $1,000 a month from it. Guaranteed. Or your money back.

Tuesday 2 January 2018

Write & Publish an Ebook in 10 Days + Earn $1,000/month

A few years ago I wrote one of my best selling ebooks, Living The Laptop Lifestyle: How to Start & Grow a Profitable Online Business So You Can Quit Your Job, and I did it using Nick Daws' amazing writing and publishing course, The 10 Day Ebook (hi Nick).

I started out sceptically thinking that it couldn't be done because the sales page offered that not only could I use The 10 Day Ebook to write my ebook in 10 days, but I could also earn $1,000 a month from it

And this was guaranteed!

So I tried it out and to my amazement, it worked.

I'd bought ebooks by this same author before so I knew his stuff was good.

I also co-authored a massive ebook (The Wealthy Writer) with him a few years before I bought and downloaded The 10 Day Ebook, but I was still sceptical (aren't we all?).

But I figured I had nothing to lose because it came with a full money back guarantee if I hadn't written an ebook in 10 days and earned $1,000 in a month, so I figured I had nothing to lose. Even if it took me twice as long to write the ebook and earn a thousand dollars from it, I could still get my money back AND keep earning money from my own ebook.

But it worked like a charm and to this day Living The Laptop Lifestyle: How to Start & Grow a Profitable Online Business So You Can Quit Your Job is still earning me money.

The 10 Day Ebook is over 100 pages of step-by-step instructions for getting your own ebook written and published fast.

Even if you don't know what to write, it will take you from idea to finished ebook in less than 2 weeks.

And it comes with three bonuses:

  • 12 Techniques to Devise a Killer Title
  • Essential Resources for E-Book Authors
  • How To Get Other People to Write Your E-book for You

I don't recommend writing products and courses to others unless I think they're great.

And I can personally vouch for this one because I bought and used it myself.

So if I can write and publish Living The Laptop Lifestyle in just 10 days, what can you do?

Start this year the way you mean to go on.

Get your next ebook written in just 10 days.

AND earn $1,000/month.

The 10 Day Ebook

Living The Laptop Lifestyle: How to Start & Grow a Profitable Online Business So You Can Quit Your Job

The Wealthy Writer

Monday 1 January 2018

Doing Goals Wrong?

I've heard quite a few people lately talking about their "new" goals for 2018.

And what struck me the most is not that their "new" goals seem the same as their usual goals that they make every year, and that they had an end goal but no plans to get there.

That's why I think that goal planning is more about knowing the tasks you need to do rather than the end goal you're expecting.

For instance, if you want to lose weight, don't make losing 20kg your goal, instead decide what exercise you're going to take up, what it is that you're going to eat, and, more importantly, what you're not going to eat. In other words, know what you're going to do every day.

And if you want to make more money from your writing, instead of having a goal of making $100K this year, think about how you're going earn a lot more money, what writing you're going to do every day, what time of day you're going to do it, or what you need to learn so that you can achieve your goal.

Perhaps you need to learn more about blogging, or how to write a book or how to make money freelance writing.

Whatever it is, think of what you need to do to get you to your goal, and then concentrate only on working your way through the steps you need to take.

This is a much better way to approach goal setting because it puts you in the driving seat of what you can control (the tasks you need to do) instead of looking at something that is unachievable without knowing the right steps to take (your goal).

Focus on what you can control.

And if you don't know how to reach your goal, find a way to learn what you need to know.

Learn new skills in business, writing, selling...whatever you need for 2018 to be your best ever. Many courses are free.

Create A Wordpress Website From Scratch. A Step by Step Tutorial For Beginners. Free online course.

How to Start a Blog - 7 Day WordPress Blog Challenge. Free online course.

Sunday 31 December 2017

Hello To Another Year of Writing

This is my last piece of writing that I'll be publishing this year.

Tomorrow is New Years Day and the first day of 2018.

And while it's a good time to say goodbye to all the things you don't want, it's also time to say hello to what you do want.

I've read a lot about LOA, Law Of Attraction, which states over and over that you get what you're thinking about.

Or more importantly, it feeds on your negative and positive emotions.

In other words, it doesn't matter if you think you can't do something or you think you can, you're right both times.

So if you're feeling bad about being in debt, you'll stay in debt.

Or if you're feeling happy about paying off your debt you'll pay it off and get out of debt because you're positive about it.

So when you're thinking about your writing goals for next year, think positively about them.

And if they don't make you feel positive, maybe you're thinking about what you "should" be doing instead of what you want to do.

The question is, what kind of writing would you want to do if anything was possible?

Do you want to be a blogger?

What do you want to write about?

Do you want to be a copywriter?

SEO writer?


Ebook writer?


Whatever it is, what type of writer do you want to be?

You don't even need to know how you're going to do it.

Just feel the positive emotion of whatever appeals to you the most.

Trust your feelings. They'll let you know what you really want to do by how you're feeling.

And feeling good about what you want to do helps give you the motivation to do it.

And then you'll figure out the how.

See you next year.